
The interior of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision

Archiving interactives is the umbrella term under which the research here presented takes place. As an embedded researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision my aim is to answer the question: What requirements do artistic, interactive media productions, impose on archives and cultural heritage institutions? This includes both technological requirements (such as the type of software that is needed to ensure proper archiving, documentation and access of assets) as well as organisational requirements (policy decisions that need to be made, requirements for documentalists and protocols for the workflow). Feel free to leave comments, tips and advice as you see fit. I hope that over the months to come this blog will become a place of resource and discussion.

Update June 2013: This research period has ended, for further questions please do not hesitate to contact me, or contact one of the supervisors: Martina Roepke of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Bas Agterberg of the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision.

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